BestView is on the last leg of the Hawaii trip. It is safe to report that there is a whole lot of water here in the Pacific Ocean. The fact that you can travel for 4 days and see no land, ships, or even birds or marine life is amazing. The Captain says the ocean is over 14,000 feet deep out here. Seems unlikely to me. I finally saw a fish jump yesterday. That is the only one and I spend a lot of time watching the ocean from my balcony on the 8th floor of this ship. I also saw one cruise ship yesterday heading toward Hawaii, I would guess.The trip has been enjoyable but I am ready to get back to my routine. We get very little news and I am ready to catch up on the happenings around the world. One thing we have heard about is the bus accident down in Chili involving passengers from a sister ship of the one we are on and the fire on another ship. From what I understand, some idiot started it on the balcony with a cigarette. That seems odd to me since I am looking at my balcony and you couldn't burn anything out there with a blowtorch.
Before we can go to LA we have to go to Ensenada, Mexico. This is because of a moronic law which says that a cruise ship with a foreign registry must go to some foreign port after leaving a U.S. port before it can come back to a U.S. port. Makes no sense. It is just a tax on and inconvenience to U.S. citizens. So tonight we dock in Ensenada and leave one hour later for L.A. If our plane stays in the air I should be almost back to normal on Tuesday. One deviation from normal will be the diet we go on to shed some of the culinary delights we have enjoyed.