Sunday, December 09, 2007
There is a recent article in the Wall Street Journal describing a culinary art-form which is based on a taste receptor which responds to glutamate. This was long recognized by Asians and explains their wide-spread use of MSG in cooking. This is a somewhat discredited substance which many feel gives them headaches and allergies. Umami (pronounced oo-MA-me) seeks to take advantage of foods which have an ability to satisfy the glutamate taste receptors, without using MSG. Examples given in the article help explain my own food preferences, so I am a big fan of umami. One of the best sources of foods which ramp up foods via umami is parmesan cheese. Others are mushrooms, wine, soy sauce, ketchup and other forms of tomatos, and grilling. This must be why I buy a lot of Worchestershire sauce and chefs around the country continually experiment with combinations which taste better through glutamate.