Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Support for my prediction

As I stated in the previous post on this blog, the response by some in the U.S. to the next terrorist attack will not be pretty. Two minutes after putting that opinion up, I went to Lucianne Goldberg's blog and read the following comment to an opinion piece published by Tony Blankley in the Washington Times. This is probably a very, very minority opinion now, but my prediction is based on the conclusion that his thoughts will be not only more prevalent, but acted upon:

"Things will get progressively worse until we finally get fed up and have the Big Raghead Roundup we should've had right after 9-11. We have all these unused military bases slated for closing- why not put all the Mohammeds in there until we can sort them out. This is a race war and a religious war and the socialists within our ranks are the most dangerous vermin who rot our structures willingly; ally themselves with our dire enemies. We ARE at the Gates of Vienna; where is our Sobieski?"

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