Sunday, October 23, 2005

5 year old establishes a religion

Some times you just can't believe how pernicious our courts and schools have become, but this story goes a long way to illustrate the problem. In 1999 a 5 year old kindergarten student submitted an environmental poster with a kneeling semblance of Jesus incorporated. The school objected and folded his poster so Jesus could not be displayed since it violated the separation of church and state. When the matter reached the courts, the case went all over the lot.

First it was stated the school acted correctly to censor the poster. A second court affirmed that. Now an Appeals Court ruled that the student's constitutional rights may have been violated and asked the lower court to reconsider. The matter should eventually wind up in the Supreme Court and I can't wait to learn whether a 5 year old kid can establish a religion with a protect- the - environment poster which includes a picture of Jesus.

Read more about it here.

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