Thursday, April 06, 2006

Accumulated Thoughts

Travel and other things have kept me from the blog for the past couple of weeks. A couple of things in the news have interested me, however.

1. Tom DeLay's troubles and those of his congressional staff remind me of my reaction to Bill Clinton's administration. At the time, I was struck how there had to be some reason he surrounded himself with people who did things which deserved jail sentences. That reason, to me, was some character flaw or lack of judgement in who he picked to associate with. Most people don't even know anyone who is in prison.

2. The new anchor at CBS news will not affect my life much. I will watch CBS the same as before. Never.

3. It is hard for me to decide which is more pitiful.... baseball or the Republican Congress.

4. The inability of the Iraqii politicians to select a leader and form a government is getting to be a problem that needs to be resolved, but the interference of Condi and Jack Straw, her counterpart from England, is not likely to be helpful and may cause the Sunni / Shia schism to widen.

5. Others have probably already made this observation, but it seems to me the main division in America today is between those who think we are at war and those who don't. Responsibility for that falls to the unfortunate inability of President Bush to communicate effectively and the reluctance after 9/11 to recruit us to contribute to the war effort in some way.

6. Cynthia McKinney is a new addition to my list of human beings who seem be lacking the positive necessaries for continued existence.

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