Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Unsolicited Advice

The Democrats really have a problem which this Republican would like to see remedied, but that is not likely. As long as the liberals who control the dems persist in their opposition to our efforts to confront islamofascism, they will not get anywhere politically. The recent votes in the Senate pretty much show that the democrat Senators are divided into two camps---Out Soon or Out Pretty Soon. What they should do is revert to the Democratic posture of the 40's when they were the ones who advanced the idea of promoting democracy through the projection of force if necessary. The Republicans took the opposite position and a quick look back at their fate will help explain how futile the liberal dem stance is today, in my opinion. During the cold war the liberals were considered soft on communism because they were. They exhibited core sympathy with the idea that communists redistributed wealth, advanced the working class, etc. Now, the liberals are widely thought of as being soft on a religious fundamentalism that represses women, kills gays, suppresses dissent through decapitation, and has no problem killing civilians to promote fear. Americans know instinctively that if we leave Iraq too soon the jihadists will be imboldened and consider that a victory leading to more terrorism in places not now at risk. So, the effort in Iraq is being carried on with a split in our body politic which will only slow its conclusion. This fits the classical definition of incompetence whereby an action which is advanced to achieve an objective produces the exact opposite result. The fastest way out of Iraq is to support the President and the only way to recapture any political power is to support what the liberals now oppose. Those of us who are conservative (as opposed to Republican) would like to see a different party in power, but not one advancing the idiotic positions of John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, and others who think we have a law-enforcement problem with some muslims and Bush lied.

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