Friday, October 05, 2007

Free Money

In typical liberal fashion at election time, some politician will offer free money to everyone. In 1972, George McGovern, arguably the most far-left candidate ever nominated, proposed giving $1,000 to every man, woman and child. Adjusted for inflation, that comes to almost $5,000 today. $5,000? Where have we heard that before? Well old Hillary wants to give that to every single baby born so they will have money to go to college. Lets look at this like Thomas Sowell did in "Inside American Education.

"The specific terms under which the government provides student financial aid virtually guarantees tuition escalation to unaffordable levels. . . . The federal formula . . . first determines the 'expected family contribution,' based upon family income, assets, number of children, and other measures of ability to pay.

"Federal aid begins where tuition and other charges exceed this 'expected family contribution.' A private college or university which kept its tuition affordable — that is, no greater than the 'expected family contribution' — could forfeit millions of dollars annually in federal money.

For example, if college X can provide a good education at $8,000 a year, while its average student's family can afford $9,000, then it loses opportunities to receive federal money. By raising its tuition to $12,000, it not only gets an additional $1,000 per student from their families but also an additional $3,000 per student from the government. In short, there is no incentive to keep tuition affordable and every incentive to make it unaffordable."

The cost? Clinton doesn't know. Will U.S.-born children of illegal aliens be eligible? No word on that yet. Who pays? Don't know. All we really know is it will not achieve its stated objective but it probably will appeal to Hillary's target audience which is mostly uneducated and doomed to superficial appraisal of her proposal.

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