Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Liberals doing it to us in energy policy

The loony left is adept at demonizing "Big Oil" and threatens to tax it back to the stone age. Hillary wants those profits to fund some of her boondoggle give-aways. In the mean time, Beijing's PetroChina which is 90% owned by the Chinese government just became the first company to be valued at one trillion dollars. It is 4x as expensive as the Exxon Mobile Corporation the leftists in Congress decry as too large. Furthermore, of the dozen largest oil companies in the world, most are owned by governments that are either hostile to the U.S. or could be very rapidly. Think Saudi Arabia and Iran and Venezuela and Russia here. U.S. oil firms are using their profits to drill for oil. More than 4500 oil wells were completed in the 3rd quarter of 2007 which is twice the level of drilling in the 90s. Since liberals always seem to take actions contrary to the best economic interest of the U.S., it is only logical to expect them to try to tax them out of existence while other countries pursue energy sources aggressively.

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