Monday, February 11, 2008

Best of plans won't always work out

For the most part, this conservative finds the current political situation fairly depressing. About the only bright spot is the ironic problems facing the dems. They very cleverly attempted to set up rules to grease the slope for Hillary. First, they moved the primaries up where they would be over and thereby let her spend months on the general election campaign. They added super delegates to block another McGovern or Carter nomination, punished Florida and Michigan for their primary decisions, and now all of these actions are biting them in the rear.

The early primaries are mostly helping the Republicans who will have a nominee early and thus more time to try to bring unity to the election. Clinton and Obama are tied and will remain so for a long time, it looks like. The super delegates represent 20% of the total delegates and there is a chance they will be put in the position of going against the wishes of the voters. Clinton wants the delegates from Michigan and Florida counted even though there was no contest in either state and this unbiased observer is hoping the issue winds up in court with the lawyers from the Gore campaign of 2000 getting back in the fray.

Howard Dean says he will impose some resolution on the situation before it becomes serious, and that could be the most delicious of the many bizarre aspects of this election. The Mother of all unintended consequences.

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