Thursday, November 04, 2004

Election Post-mortem

O.K., I was wrong and seldom have I been more pleased. The night was indeed a sweet one and having Daschle lose in tandem with Kerry was just delightful. A few things about this election stand out. First, as long as the Dems think that having P.Diddy holler "Vote or die" will help them in any way, they are doomed to minority status. Same with all the other left coast wierdos which have latched onto the Democrats and funded them so generously. Real people in the red states are turned off by their attempts to advance liberalism in a manner which suggests those of us who don't agree are imbeciles.

One of the most important events during the election went largely uncommented upon. If the Australian election had resulted in a withdrawal of their troops from Iraq, Kerry would have had a very large club to beat the President with. It could have been pivotal.

Men preferred Bush to Kerry by about 10 percentage points. I think the phoney goose hunt in newly bought camo was a big part of it. Women may not see that as a pathetic sham and if they do, it must not bother them as much. as it does men.

It will be interesting to watch the party of Rev. Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore, Dan Rather, and the New York Times as it searches in vain for the answers which it doesn't want to recognize.

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