Saturday, February 25, 2006

Minimum Wages

I read today that California is joining 11 other states and will no longer wait on the federal minimum wage to be raised. They want to raise it from $6.75 to $7.75 per hour. What they will learn is when the minimum wage law confronts the law of supply and demand, the latter wins every time. Lower paid workers will lose their jobs. The liberals who push for these increases are primarily screwing the portion of the population they profess to stand so staunchly in support of.......working poor and blacks. They will be the ones to lose. Blacks in this country have an especially poor concept of what constitutes enlightened self-interest, so many of them will be grateful to know that an employer must pay them $7.75/hour when it is that requirement which keeps them from being hired. There have been numerous studies of the effect of minimum wage increases on employment over the years and the evidence shows that a 10% increase in the minimum wage reduces the employment of young workers by 1-2%. If this holds in California, about 50,000 jobs will be lost. Swarzenegger vetoed a minimum wage bill similar to this one in 2004 saying "this is not the time to create barriers to economic recovery". Apparently now is the time to create those barriers because he has apparently given in to the demands of his democratic legislature.

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