Thursday, March 30, 2006

More Nonsense from Time Magazine

I take a short 2 week vacation and the idiots blowing smoke on global warming come out of their holes and reached a new level of nonsense. This time it is Time magazine which I quit taking long ago. This was a Special Edition in which everything from the recent Australian storms to the sky over Indonesia which is orange due to fires and dust are blamed on global warming and furthermore, our future is severely threatened. Some guy named Hansen is widely cited. He is a NASA scientist and spends his spare time writing Al Gore's slide presentations, supporting John Kerry for President and spending a $250,000 grant from Teresa Heinz Kerry. In 1988 he predicted to a congressional panel that there would be a 0.35 degree rise in temperature over the next decade. He was wrong by 219%. Another citation was a study released by some clowns at Colorado University that stated Antarctica is losing 36 cubic miles of ice each year. That may sound like a lot, but Antarctica consists of 7 million cubic miles of glacial ice. The threat, of course, is that it will make our oceans rise. In fact, this is like an ice cube melting since earth has 320 million cubic miles of ocean. If this keeps up, we will raise the level of the ocean a whopping 0.4 millimeters or 0.0115 inch per year. Other evidence shows that 20,000 years ago the global sea levels were 400 feet lower than they are now. So, evidently the seas were rising even before we started driving these nasty SUV's.

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