Thursday, May 25, 2006

Misplaced Outrage

I just don't see Americans having much sympathy for the boo-hooing we are hearing from Congress about the FBI having the audacity to actually go to a judge and get a warrant to obtain information requested in a legal subpoena 8 months ago from a crook who just happened to be elected from the most corrupt city in the U.S----New Orleans. These same congressmen would be much better off supporting our investigative processes and stating that if one of their colleagues broke the law, or even gave the appearance of breaking the law such as being taped taking a bribe, they would support whatever discovery process is necessary. Once again, congress managed to place itself in a position completely opposite the American citizenry. To make it worse, the outrage they are expressing is based on a reading of the Constitution which can't be supported by anyone with two brain cells.

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