Sunday, May 14, 2006

What is your carbon footprint?

Most people don't care enough to look at this situation rationally, much less mathematically, but there are those who will help you with the calculation of just what is required to save the planet from a 1 degree rise in temperature over the next century. First, you must buy the argument that it is greenhouse gasses (CO2) that are responsible and if you are going to reverse this warming trend which man brought upon the earth and portends doom for us all, we must reduce the amount of carbon we release into the atmosphere. Here is an exerpt of the results of the calculations which have been done. Read the whole thing here.

assuming all estimated warming since 1880 to be attributable to atmospheric carbon accumulation from human activity, using the land surface warming rate to avoid ocean heat take-up 'masking' the global rate and further assuming a linear temperature response, it would take 70 years of zero emissions to 'save' 1 °C. Using the more realistic logarithmic response and ridiculously high sensitivity blows that out to about 150 years while the realistic response to the most likely sensitivity suggests something over 450 years of zero emission are required -- all for just 1 °C!

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