Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More on the U.N.

As should be evident by now, I am not a big fan of the U.N. One of my very favorite columnists, Mark Steyn, being a brilliant and insightful fellow agrees with me on its worthlessness. He, however, is able to bring specifics from numerous directions to back up his opinion. Here is a really good one. Read it all.

Two years ago, you may recall, Sudan was elected to the UN Human Rights Commission at a time when the government’s proxies were busy slaughtering and gang-raping their way round Darfur. The last thing one needs when one’s got a hectic schedule of mass murder on one’s plate is a lot of tedious paper-shuffling committee meetings in New York, but Sudan’s ambassador, Elfatih Mohammed Ahmed Erwa, gamely rose to the occasion by announcing, upon joining the Commission, that he was very concerned about human rights abuses at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.

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