Thursday, August 03, 2006

Women's Lib in Islam?

In the Islamic countries of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan and Pakistan women who are raped face incarceration or execution. There are evidently laws called "Hudood" which legalize the prosecution of women for fornication if she can't prove a crime was committed. In Pakistan, the woman must have four Muslim men as witnesses who will testify she was raped in order to avoid conviction. If she can't produce those 4 men, she is charged with falsely alleging a crime. Penalties include stoning to death, lashing or prison. Stoning and lashing are not common, but more than 2000 women are in prison in Pakistan for Hudood crimes.

There is a women's lib protest going on in Pakistan to repeal these laws and considerable international pressure is being exerted on Musharraf to do this, but it hasn't happened yet.

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