Saturday, December 23, 2006

Science to keep in mind

As you read the papers with regular stories of food contamination causing outbreaks of illness from such things as spinach, hamburgers, lettuce, etc., keep in mind one reason for much of this. Right now, the American Medical Association, the Centers of Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, and the World Health Association have all certified that a big reduction in food-borne illness could be realized by food irradiation. In this process, a fixed and controlled source of gamma rays are very briefly focused on the food and 99.99% of E. coli, for example are killed. There is absolutely no effect on the food itself or any person who later consumes the food. Now, for a quick quiz. Why don't we use this life-saving food preservation method more extensively. If you guessed the lies, misinformation campaign, and lobbying by liberal groups like Public Citizen with its President Jill Clayborn being aided by the liberal media, you get a gold star. They have bullied the FDA into a position where it now requires a label to state that consumption of the product is "risky". In fact, the opposite is true and non-irradiated food should be so labelled.
When an outbreak occurs like the recent on with Taco Bell as the source, the liberal media blames a collusion between industry and the government who should be increasing funds for inspections which the industry doesn't want. Nonsense.
Ironically, Mexico and other countries such as India and Thailand do irradiate food before exporting it to the U.S. So you could well be safer eating food from such otherwise backward countries than from the politically correct U.S.

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