Saturday, February 17, 2007

Let's hear it for hefty

Now and then we hear of science that makes those of us who tend toward portly feel better. In this case, there is recent evidence that individuals with a Body Mass Index of 18.5-25 (which is considered normal) are less happy than those with an overweight BMI between 25 and 30 which is below the obese level. Not only that, the overweight are more charitable, make more money, and are more likely to donate our time and services to causes and charities. According to the research, the ideal target for fund-raisers is the person with a body mass index of 28.5 which for a 6ft man would be 211 lbs rather than the so-called perfect weight of 184 lbs. That suggests to me that overweight is O.K. and I now need to get down to that 211 lbs.

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