Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Katie's Debut

I didn't watch it, of course, but it was hard to avoid the critiques of Katie's first effort on the internet today. Most were fairly neutral, but this one was pretty funny. Here is a sample:

For her very first night as CBS News diva, Katie spent a half-hour looking as if she desperately had to go potty. Her back was so stiff as she looked into the camera, pop-eyed and self-conscious, I feared it would snap.

Her face was Botoxed beyond normal human endurance, proving that even pampered, overpaid news babes possess the courage to suffer for their art.

And later.....

The best that can be said about Katie Couric was that she did not trip over her 5-inch stiletto heels when she toddled across the floor of the set, crossing her bare legs like some ridiculous tramp.

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