Friday, September 22, 2006

Say it ain't so

The following from Mark Steyn concludes with a prediction which if it comes to pass will really decrease the number of air passengers in the future if my recent appraisal of young women during a recent trip to Las Vegas or our local mall is any indication. Very few women are walking around with that which God gave them.

Meanwhile, Birmingham Airport in England has banned passengers from boarding with “gel-filled bras”. People have been demanding for years now that we need to start profiling. Well, they’re profiling in Birmingham: they’re profiling women with padded bras, which is one great profile; their highly trained staff can spot gals who really stand out. I know I feel safer knowing that unusually curvaceous women are being subject to extra security screening. So gel-filled bras are out, and presumably in another year or two we’ll be preventing gel-filled breasts from boarding.

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