Saturday, January 21, 2006

bin Ladin threatens

Much is the news now about OBL's threat to carry out to attack America is a big way. What is our response to be? Here is one which I endorse:

First the President of the United States should declare that any act of violence of the type that occurred on September 11, 2001 would send the signal for an all out attack against mecca and Medina with no holds barred and no quarter spared and any target of convenience thereafter. In other words any new attack on the United States will trigger the end of middle east civilization as it's presently known. We should not have to live under the threat of blackmail and terror from these people. Then all mosques should be placed under surveillance and all non-American Muslims required to leave the country. If we don't do this we'd better be prepared to pay a very very high price in human life and physical damage. We know it's coming to sit here and do nothing is insane! How many American lives does it take to force the government to act? Are we willing to pay the price?

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