Monday, January 23, 2006

This is so great!

"To rein in wasteful spending, Dr. Coburn intends to offer an amendment on every pork project stuffed into appropriations bills this year. There were at least 13,998 earmarked projects contained in last year’s appropriations bills. By way of comparison, the Senate had only 366 roll call votes last year. Needless to say we are beefing up our appropriations staff for this challenge and we have requested that we be given at least 72 hours to review appropriations bills before they are considered. "
The above is an E-mail from Senator Coburn's office. What this means is if you want to stuff a special interest into the Appropriation Bill this year, you will cause the senate to have a roll call vote on it. Each roll call takes at least 30 minutes to conduct and you have to have time alloted to each side to discuss it before the vote. This will drive the big spenders crazy and Dr. Coburn doesn't give a royal rat's rear.

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